Yoruba group reveals what Tinubu should do about INEC ahead of 2027 elections

TimesNow.com.ng recalls that the 2023 general elections were marked with veritable irregularities, which provoked sordid remarks from international onlookers, election observers, civil socieities and other concerned stakeholders.

The president of the council, Oladotun Hassan who spoke exclusively with TimesNow.com.ng, emphasized the necessity for an independent electoral body to ensure the credibility and integrity of Nigeria’s democratic process.

Hassan argued that the integrity and functionality of INEC are compromised when individuals who lack a thorough understanding of democratic principles and election management are appointed to key positions.

Hassan stressed the importance of appointing individuals with the requisite expertise and background in law or judicial experience to lead INEC.

Hassan underscored that only those who comprehend the intricacies of elections should be considered for such pivotal roles.

He said:

The Yoruba Council President also advocated for the incorporation of advanced technology in the electoral process.

He suggested that adopting a system similar to the NIN would allow for seamless voter registration and authentication, reducing the risk of electoral fraud and enhancing voter convenience.

He said:

Hassan, however, called for legislative backing to ensure that INEC operates independently of the executive branch.

Hassan emphasized the need for INEC to function as an autonomous entity, much like the judiciary, to safeguard the democratic process from undue influence.

He advised:

In another report, president Bola Tinubu hinted at why his administration is dragging the 36 governors in Nigeria to court while lamenting the neglect of the local government areas.

On Thursday, May 30, the president appealed to the state governments to prioritise the needs of local communities by ensuring accountability and effectiveness in the administration of council areas.

The president noted the seeming lack of attention for the grassroots where he observed votes come from.

Source: TimesNow.com.ng

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