Why I relocated to US, converted to christianity – Fuji maestro, Adewale Ayuba

The ace Fuji musician, Adewale Ayuba, has disclosed why he relocated to America and converted to Christianity.

In a chat with Teju Babyface, Ayuba spoke about his new life in the United States, his religion, and his music career.

He disclosed that he and his band member travelled to America for their three-month summer show in 1995.

Ayuba said they could not return to Nigeria after their show ended due to threats from Sani Abacha, the late military head of state.

The singer said he was threatened after he released an album advocating for the freedom of political detainees, particularly the late Moshood Abiola.

Ayuba said after Abacha’s demise, he returned to Nigeria to perform at the Benson and Hedges Concert in 1998.

The singer said while in the US, he enrolled in school and completed his documentation to become an American citizen. He said he also met his wife in America. In Adewale Ayuba’s words:

Speaking about his decision to convert from Islam to Christianity, 58 year old Adewale Ayuba revealed that he was unable to pray in Arabic.

This, he said, prevented him from practising Islam, adding that he would always invite clerics to pray on his behalf.

He also said he was inspired by verses from the Bible quoting Jesus Christ as saying “He is the way, truth, and life”. Ayuba said he prefers to worship where he “feels closest to God,” adding that his choice to become a Christian “brings me happiness”.

He said:

Ayuba began his music career as a teenager and released his first album, ‘Ibere (Beginning)’ in 1986.

The 59-year-old singer is famous for albums such as ‘Bubble’, ‘Turn Me On’, ‘’Ijo Fuji’, and ‘Koloba Koloba’.

In 2015, Ayuba said the day he became a Christian was the happiest day of his life.

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