See why Female pilot caught doing 2 jobs was not sacked despite protest to fire her

A female pilot, Danica Theuma, found herself at the centre of a controversy after it was revealed that she had been secretly working for two airlines.

Theuma was discovered to be working for Virgin Atlantic and KM Malta Airlines without the other airlines knowing about it, violating industry regulations on safety.

According to the report, the female pilot, a first officer, was caught by chance flying Virgin Atlantic planes in the United Kingdom while also working as a pilot for KM Malta Airlines.

She was supposed to observe the obligatory rest periods after her flight schedule but chose to travel to London to fly Virgin Atlantic planes out of Heathrow Airport.

One of her colleagues reported seeing her and reporting to her manager.

Virgin Atlantic’s managers fired Theuma on the spot as soon as they learned what the first officer was doing.

Their decision to fire her was not only due to a severe breach of contract but also because the pilot broke international safety rules that impose strict regulatory constraints regarding duty times and rest periods to ensure passenger and crew safety.

While KM Malta Airlines initially suspended her, they decided to reinstate her a short while later, so she’s still flying with the airline.

The decision by KM Malta Airlines to allow the female pilot to continue working has reportedly not gone down well with her colleagues. They are demanding that she face punishment for disregarding safety rules.

Meanwhile, previously reported that a man had reacted to the isiagu outfit that the Air Peace crew wore.

Air Peace commenced the Lagos-London flight on March 30, placing its airfare at N1.2 million for economy class and N2.2 million for premium economy.

A video which captured parts of the inaugural flight showed the aircrew walking majestically at the airport. The Airpeace crew and their well-wishers were led by Allen Onyema, the CEO, who was evidently proud of the achievement.


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