See new visa options for Nigerians ready to relocate and work to apply for visa

The opportunity card is aimed at attracting skilled workers from non-European Union (EU) countries, including Nigeria.

It is a type of residence permit that allows individuals from third countries—nations outside the EU—to enter Germany to seek employment.

The card is valid for up to one year and can be extended if the individual finds qualified employment, enabling them to obtain a subsequent residence permit for further job searching or employment.

Applicants for the Opportunity Card must have their professional qualifications recognized in Germany or their country of origin and demonstrate financial self-sufficiency, usually with €1,027 per month, shown via a blocked account or a declaration of commitment.

While searching for jobs, Opportunity Card holders can work part-time for up to 20 hours per week and engage in trial jobs for up to two weeks to evaluate potential employment.

Eligibility Criteria

Nigerians interested in applying for the Opportunity Card must visit Germany’s diplomatic missions in Nigeria for visa applications.

The process involves applying at the German mission responsible for the applicant’s district of residence.

Further information is available on the relevant German mission’s website here. reported that the Canadian government is inviting applications for its Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot programmes.

These two caregiver programmes offer foreigners, including Nigerians, the opportunity to relocate with their families and obtain permanent residency.

Nigerians interested can start applying on January 1, 2024, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).


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