See naira to dollar exchange rate in the official markets

The latest data from FMDQ securities shows that the Nigerian Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market (NAFEM), the naira exchange rate to the dollar, closed at N1,488.60/$1 on Wednesday, June 6, 2024.

Wednesday’s rate represents a 0.8% or N11.65 loss for the naira against the US dollar compared to Tuesday’s closing price of N1,476.95/$1.

The naira’s fall was due to increased demand for foreign currencies following the suspension of industrial actions embarked on by organized labour, which crippled economic activities on Monday and partially on Tuesday.

Data showed that the value of forex transactions executed at the official market on Wednesday stood at $205.43 million.

However, CBN data shows that the naira maintained stability against the pound sterling and the euro, exchanging on Wednesday at N1,879.89/£1 and N1,604.70/€1, the same rate from Tuesday.

The naira followed its familiar depreciation pattern in the parallel market, also known as the black market.

According to traders who spoke to, the naira depreciated against the US dollar to N1,500.

Abdullahi a BDC trader said: earlier reported that renowned economist Bismarck Rewane has disclosed his expectations for the performance of the naira in the remainder of 2024

The chief executive officer of Financial Derivatives Company (FDC) expects the naira to remain at its current level.

He also discussed inflationary trends and predicted the state of the Nigerian economy in the next few years under President Tinubu’s administration.


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