See banks chief audit executives message to auditors

This call was made at the association’s 58th quarterly general meeting, with the theme “being a human auditor in a challenging environment”

In his keynote address, Dalu Ajene, chief executive Officer (CEO) of Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria Limited, highlighted the critical role of auditors in upholding professionalism and ethical standards

Ajene emphasised that auditors play a pivotal role in ensuring the robustness, transparency, and trustworthiness of institutions.

Addressing the audience, Ajene acknowledged the challenges facing the industry, including economic volatility, regulatory changes, technological advancements, and evolving customer expectations.

He stressed the need for auditors to navigate these complexities with precision, professionalism, empathy, and ethical fortitude.

Ajene stated:

He said:

The CEO noted that being an auditor requires not only technical proficiency and a commitment to ethical standards but also the ability to understand the human aspects of the work.

He reminded the audience that behind every transaction and compliance check are people whose lives and livelihoods depend on their diligence, transparency, accountability, and integrity.

He emphasised:

Ajene highlighted the importance of empathy and ethical responsibility in auditing, noting that auditors are auditing for humans.

He added that there is a need for auditors to recognise and address the pressures and challenges faced by colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

Building trust, he argued, requires fostering an environment of open communication, mutual respect, and professional integrity.

In his welcome address, Prince Akamadu, the chairman of ACAEBIN, also reechoed professionalism in building confidence and trust.

According to him, the role of a chief audit executive has become more demanding than ever.

His words: reports that Akamadu spoke on the skill set that will continue to make auditors most valuable for a stable financial sector.

He added: earlier reported that Bank CEOs and top officials of banks in Nigeria may be investigated during the ongoing investigation into the affairs of Emefiele.

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