Ojude Oba 2024: 4 things people need to know about Nigerian billionaire Farooq Oreagba

However, one man’s face and fashion style have been at the centre of all the social media razzmatazz that has trailed the Ojude Oba day conversation, Farooq Oreagba.

The former managing director of the Nigerian Stock Exchange was among the most famous faces at the 2024 Ojude Oba Day festival.

Oreagba’s unique fashion style, “steeze,” and charisma have captivated the attention of netizens across Nigerian social media.

Conversations surrounding his health and hugely successful financial career have also got people talking.

TimesNow.com.ng in this article has highlighted five significant things about Farooq Oreagba that would leave many thrilled at the type of life the Ijebu-Ode man has lived and is still revelling at 58.

Born 1966 in Ogun state, Ijebu-Ode, Farooq Oreagba recently became the toast of social media conversations after clips of him at the 2024 Ojude Oba Day celebration went viral.

His unique fashion sense, composure, and panache have made him one of the biggest sellers of the 2024 Ojude Oba Day.

Oreagba’s recently found fame has interested people in discovering more about him.

Born into the Oreagba Akeula family as Farooq Olatunbosun Oreagba. He shares a distant relationship with the Balogun Kuku family.

Oreagba started his educational journey in his hometown at Ijebu-Ode Grammar School before attending Mayflower School and Ikenne, both in Ogun state, for his secondary education.

After finishing his secondary education at Mayflower School, Oreagba acquired a finance degree at Oxford University in London.

He graduated from Oxford with distinction before returning for his master’s degree at the University of East London and another degree in Business Management from Coventry University.

Oreagba has also picked up numerous certifications from different educational institutions at home and abroad.

Over the last four decades, Oreagba has worked in the financial sector in Nigeria and abroad.

He is a former managing director of the Nigerian Stock Exchange and Securities. He stepped away from his role as the MD of NSE amid his fight with bone and skin cancer.

Oreagba is currently the managing director of NG Clearing Limited. He was appointed MD/CEO of NG Clearing Limited in September 2023. This appointment came nearly six years after Oreagba had to step away from the financial sector due to health issues.

The former MD of NSE also holds a diploma certificate in executive leadership from the Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University.

In 2014, Oreagba was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and carcinoma, which, in simpler terms, can be translated to mean bone marrow and skin cancer, respectively.

However, after two years of battling the deadly disease, Oreagba was declared cancer-free and healthy enough to go back to work.

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