NCAA moves to sanction airlines ovey restricted flying afrea

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has threatened legal action against airline owners and operators that fly into nationally restricted regions.

The authority said it had received a letter from the national security adviser’s office reporting the sighting of an unidentified aircraft flying over the presidential villa.

The letter, titled “Warning to All Operators Against Flying Into Restricted and Prohibited Areas,” was addressed to operators and owners.

It stated,

According to the letter, the authorities may censure, persecute, or do both in response to such infractions.

The authorities added that the aircraft invasion might have serious repercussions, according to a BusinessDay report.

In order to prevent flying into restricted or forbidden zones, the authority in the letter advised all aircraft owners and operators to advise their crew to receive complete meteorological information prior to the trip and to rigorously follow air traffic control instructions. reported that the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has said that any aircraft operated by any local airlines without a valid insurance policy will be grounded.

This is contained in a directive issued by Captain Musa Nuhu, Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), to all airlines and other aviation service providers on August 11, 2023, referencing NCAA/DG/AIR/11/16/369.

According to the directive, failure to comply with Part of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig. CARs) 2022 will result in immediate sanctions.


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