My marriage with Olakunle crashed because I was the breadwinner- Yvonne Jegede spills in new interview(VIDEO)

Nollywood star and entertainer Yvonne Jegede recently bared her soul about the collapse of her marriage in a candid interview with popular OAP Nedu Wazobia on his podcast.

Jegede explored a multitude of reasons that led to her split from Olakunle Fawole, offering a raw and unfiltered glimpse into their tumultuous relationship.

Yvonne shared that her ex-husband was eight years older, and from the very beginning of their marriage, he often felt disrespected by her blunt remarks.

Citing an instance, she whenever she called him “crazy” during their conversations, he interpreted it as disrespect, even though they had been together long before getting married. Jegede was taken aback by his reactions, assumed he would have grown accustomed to her forthrightness by then.

When Nedu inquired if this issue of perceived disrespect was the main reason for their divorce, Jegede decisively said no. She revealed that while it played a role, it was merely one of many factors that led to their marital breakdown. There were numerous deeper issues at play.

A pivotal reason, Yvonne Jegede divulged, was the financial imbalance in their relationship. She admitted that she was the primary earner, carrying the majority of the financial burden.

This disparity strained their marriage, as she felt the pressure of providing for their family almost entirely on her own.

Yvonne added that she takes immense pride in taking care of her son single-handedly, managing as if no one else is there to help, but she acknowledges the tremendous difficulty of this responsibility.


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