Kano: New twist as Gov Yusuf message Tinubu Sanusi vs Bayero war gets tense

Governor Yusuf’s message to the president came amid tension between the deposed Emir Aminu Ado Bayero and reinstated Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II on the Kano emirship tussle.

Sanusi Bature, Governor Yusuf’s spokesperson and media director, issued a statement on Tuesday, June 18, communicating the governor’s message.

Governor Yusuf described the Islamic festival as a unique celebration from Allah for Muslims to sacrifice lambs as a significant adherence to faith, as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim.

The statement reads in part:

The governor then prayed to the Almighty to bless the state with an excellent rainy season and that farmers in Kano should yield good results in their endeavours in the farming period. He disclosed that his administration has put measures in place to support farmers with necessary inputs.

According to the statement, the Kano government will continue to make the state more prosperous by improving the living conditions of the residents through a flourishing economy and opportunities for dedicated Nigerians and the African country at large.

TimesNow.com.ng earlier reported that the Emir of Kano Muhammadu Sanusi II has said he would care less should another government remove him from office again.

Sanusi said he was concerned about the disruption of the emirate system, which had been preserved over 1000 years ago.

The former CBN governor expressed gratefulness to the Kano government and assembly for correcting the deeds of the past government.

Source: TimesNow.com.ng

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