General Abdulsalami reveals what makes it easy for military to take over

The last military ruler of Nigeria disclosed this in an exclusive interview with The Sun. This comes amid a military coup in some West African countries.

Recall was one of those who intervened on behalf of the West Africa bloc when the military overtook the government of the democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum in the Niger Republic.

Abdulsalami’s intervention came after sanctions were imposed on the neighbouring West African country

This was after sanctions were imposed on the neighbouring West African nation, which refused to return power to the ousted president.

However, when the ECOWAS finally shifted its ground, Niger Republic had already formed an alliance with other West African countries currently under military governments.

In the interview, the general disclosed that the military could not take over if the political field did not allow it to happen.

He noted that a lack of equity and justice always results in a military intervention in governance, adding that it even started in the political parties.

His statement reads in part:


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