TikToker Nicki DaBarbie released on bail after 2 weeks in jail

Popular TikToker Nicki DaBarbie has been released on bail after spending two weeks in jail, amidst controversy over her accusations against music superstars Skibii and Mayorkun.

The saga began when Nicki DaBarbie took to her TikTok page to make shocking allegations against Skibii and Mayorkun, claiming they drugged her with the intention of stealing her spotlight and possibly using her for rituals.

Her accusations immediately sparked a frenzy online, with netizens divided between believing her claims or dismissing them as baseless.

Skibii, whom Nicki DaBarbie had reportedly visited during their “talking stage,” swiftly responded by taking legal action against her.

He pressed charges of property damage, resulting in her arrest and subsequent imprisonment.

However, amidst the legal battle, support poured in for Nicki DaBarbie from various quarters, including popular online activist known as VeryDarkMan.

With mounting pressure, she was eventually granted bail under certain conditions, allowing her temporary freedom while awaiting further proceedings in court.

Mayorkun, the other music superstar implicated in Nicki DaBarbie’s allegations, has vehemently denied any involvement and vowed to pursue legal action against her once Skibii’s case concludes.

According to Mayorkun, he had never even met Nicki DaBarbie before, dismissing her claims as false and defamatory. The release of Nicki DaBarbie has sparked jubilation among her supporters.

See below;

In realted news, Nigerian singer Mayorkun has spoken out following the arrest of controversial influencer Nicki DaBarbie, vehemently denying her allegations of misconduct.

In a recent tweet, the artist expressed his disbelief at the accusations and asserted his intention to pursue legal action against DaBarbie, despite her current detainment.

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