Nigerians raise alarm as price of garri soars to record high

Garri, a staple food widely consumed in Nigeria, has reached record prices in Jos, the capital of Plateau State.

Once one of the most affordable food items for Nigerian households, it is now sold at N1,100 per measure and N72,000 per 100kg bag.

It would be recalled that earlier reported that according to the report released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Nigeria’s inflation rate raced to 33.2% in March, with food inflation hitting 40.01%.

The rising inflation, which has affected the prices of commodities in the markets, puts Nigeria among countries battling high food inflation.

Individuals interviewed by Daily Trust during visits to markets noted that the price of garri has soared to its highest level in decades.

Sellers at the Katako market explained the reasons behind the historic price increase of the commodity in recent times.

Hassan Maigari, a seller, explained that several factors are contributing to the increase in the commodity’s price.

He said:

Abdullahi Ibrahim, another Garri seller said:

Ibrahim further explained that customers are unaware of their challenges, expecting prices to decrease simply because prices of other commodities have dropped.

According to the sellers, the product’s price may rise even further as the rainy season hasn’t fully set in, typically causing prices to surge.

With schools just resuming and farmers expected to return to their fields soon, the situation may exacerbate the price increase.

In related news, had reported that some formerly cheap food items are no longer affordable to average Nigerian homes.

According to a market survey undertaken by, food product prices have doubled in recent months.

The continuous rise in the costs of these staple foods, alongside other commodities, has reduced the buying capacity of Nigerians, as many find it challenging to meet their daily dietary needs.


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