Motilola Akinlami calls out Kunle Afod for sabotaging her in movie industry [VIDEO]

Nollywood actress, Motilola Akinlami has called out her senior colleague, Kunle Afod for reportedly sabotaging her in the movie industry.

In the series of videos, Motilola noted how Afod’s wife used to run from pillar to post over their relationship and now that she decided to let him go, he has made it a point to sabotage her from getting big jobs in the industry. According to the actress, this had been going on for five years.

The actress expressed her frustration over how movie producers have ghosted her because Kunle Afod reportedly manipulated their colleagues to sideline her in the movie industry.

According to Motilola, she has spoken to a lot of her senior colleagues to help resolve the issue but all efforts have proven futile. In her words:

The actress also claimed that Afod made Femi Adebayo not to work with her and that she had to refund monies for some other jobs as a result. Motilola added:

In another video, Motilola noted that her case was similar to that of late actor Junior Pope who was also blacklisted in the film industry. According to her, Kunle Afod has probably also been waiting for her to die but God will not let it happen. She said:

See Motilola’s posts below:




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