I was almost burnt alive – Daddy Showkey recounts scary experience (VIDEO)

Veteran Nigerian singer Daddy Showkey has vividly recounted a chilling episode from his past, revealing how he narrowly escaped a brutal lynching during his rugged years involved in gang activities in Ikorodu, Lagos State.

In a gripping snippet from the upcoming episode of ‘The Honest Bunch’ podcast with Nedu Wazobia, Daddy Showkey delves into the dark days of his youth, where he and his gang stumbled upon a gun at a refuse dump and began using it to instill fear and terror in the local community.

According to him, their reign of terror, however, came to a dramatic halt when fortune turned against them on a fateful day.

Caught red-handed, Daddy Showkey said himself and his gang faced the wrath of an enraged mob, ready to deliver street justice. In a miraculous twist of fate, they were saved from the brink of death, an experience that left an indelible mark on the singer’s life.

Reflecting on this harrowing ordeal, Daddy Showkey emphasized that his journey from the violent streets of Ikorodu to becoming a legendary music icon is a testament to the power of perseverance and transformation.

He passionately conveyed that if he could rise above such a perilous and chaotic past to achieve greatness, then anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the potential to reach their dreams if they remain determined and committed.

He said: “I was in a gang back in the day. I won’t lie. Some of us found a gun where we used to pick valuables from refuse dump in Ikorodu. We started using the gun to terrorise the area.

“One day, when we were out in our usual style, someone saw us and started screaming, ‘thieves, thieves, thieves.’ Then we started running, but we were apprehended. They tied us up. They were about to burn us but we were saved miraculously.

“I am a living testimony for every young person, because if I can be alive today and still become Daddy Showkey, then there’s hope for everyone.”


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