I didn’t pronounce ban on smoking and ritual scenes in movies – Shaibu Husseini clears air

Executive director of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) Shaibu Husseini has discredited reports alleging that he said the Federal Government had approved the prohibition of money rituals and smoking in Nigerian films.

Several news outfits reported that Husseini made the announcement at a national stakeholders engagement on smoke-free Nollywood in Enugu on Wednesday.

The event was organised by the NFVCB and Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA).

Movie producers, directors and actors drawn from different parts of the country, as well as leaders of various guilds and associations in the Nigerian film industry were present at the event.

However, in a statement on Thursday released on social media, Husseini said in part:

Husseini assured that the NFVCB would not implement any policy that will muzzle creativity. He added:

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