“How I nearly ended a girl’s life after hitting her with my car” – Skales recounts

Nigerian artist Skales has shared a heart-wrenching account of an incident that took place on the Lekki-Epe expressway, where he was involved in a near-fatal accident that nearly claimed the life of a girl.

The musician took his Instagram page to share the chilling details of the ordeal, revealing how he came perilously close to ending a young girl’s life after his car collided with her on the busy roadway.

Skales described the moment with vivid clarity, recalling how he was driving along the expressway at a brisk pace when, in an instant, a young girl darted into his path.

Despite his best efforts to swerve and avoid a collision, it was too late. The impact was jarring, sending the girl tumbling through the air in a terrifying display of force.

In the aftermath of the accident, Skales was overcome with a potent mix of shock, fear, and guilt as he witnessed the gravity of the situation unfold before his eyes.

He recounted the gut-wrenching sight of the girl’s body lying motionless on the pavement, fearing the worst as he grappled with the weight of what had transpired.

According to the singer, he immediately sprang into action, rushing to the aid of the injured girl and ensuring that she received prompt medical attention.

In his words,

“Just had one of the craziest experience in my life.. while driving on LEKKI epe express way, a lil girl ran into the gaddamn express way and I was driving on the speed lane and hit her …

“I was so scared! I saw her body fly over! I thought she was gone. So I parked and asked folks around for help to get her in my car and go to the hospital..

“I was so confused! Thinking I have killed someone.. THANK YOU JESUS WE GOT HER TO THE HOSPITAL THEY COMFIRMED SHE’ll be okay!

“I paid the bills and handed everything else over to her parents including some money… the govt needs to do something about pedestrians crossing the expressway.. oh my Gosh what a day my life is really a movie! Fuck!!

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