Check out full list of best brands making waves in Africa

A new study conducted by Brand Africa as part of its latest Africa 100 report has revealed the list and rankings of Africa’s best brands.

The study also showed that 64% of the world’s 50 most admired countries are African, with Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, China, and the United States ranking as the top five nations perceived to contribute to a better Africa.

The results showed that the top five most admired African brands are still South African telecommunications group, MTN; Nigerian conglomerate, Dangote; Zambian consumer group, Trade Kings; Nigerian telecommunications group, Glo; South African payTV, DStv; and Ethiopian Airlines.

The report also stated that six nations accounted for 14% of the African component of the ranking: South Africa and Nigeria each received five points, while Ethiopia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania each received one point.

According to the research, Asia increased its stake by 23.5% to take up 21% of the African market, while Europe maintained its 37% share of the Top 100. North America saw a fall in its proportion from 12.5% to 28%.

Nike, Adidas, Samsung, Coca-Cola, and Apple are the top five most admired companies in Africa, and they have all held their ranks for the past five years, according to the report.

The report noted:

The most admired non-governmental organizations are UNICEF and the UN. The most admired non-African organization is Coca-Cola, while the most admired African brand is MTN.

Thebe Ikalafeng, founder and chairman of Brand Africa, said: also reported that the Financial Times released a new ranking of the fastest-growing companies in Africa. Many African economies are struggling to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the report, the International Monetary Fund said Africa’s economy grew by 3.2% in 2023, lower than in Asia, where the economy grew by almost 5%.

In its expanded report on companies in Africa, FT said Nigeria ranked second with the fastest-growing companies on the continent, after South Africa, which parades the highest number of companies on the list.

Proofreading by James Ojo Adakole, jouranalist and copy editor at


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